I Sea Bacon Taste Test Review

Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon? I Sea Bacon Review

Well, it’s not every day you get a press release claiming that seaweed tastes like bacon, only the difference being is seaweed is good for you. So I was intrigued. Does it really taste like bacon? Surely not.

Normally this kind of email I roll my eyes at and just delete. Sounds harsh, but when you receive press releases every day you really have to be fussy about what you choose to get involved with.  Besides, they all have ‘so-called’ health benefits.

That being said I couldn’t deny the fact I was curious, I mean seaweed is natural and I’m all for putting more natural stuff in our bodies. I wasn’t convinced though. Natural or not it’s bloody seaweed.

I Sea Bacon Pasta Meal

So despite Tony thinking I’d lost the plot I asked to be sent a pack so I could see for myself.

Now if I had to guess I would say I haven’t eaten meat for about 2 years now. Previous to that I loved bacon. I mean REALLY LOVED BACON. Bacon was something I ate almost every day unless I was ‘trying’ to be good in which case 2-3 times per week. Oh, how I used to love a bacon bap.

Perhaps I was just living in hope that it would taste the same, but you know I was definitely willing to try to see if I could once again be able to taste ‘bacon’ but ethically.

I Sea Bacon Taste Test:

I cooked some I Sea Bacon up which literally takes about 30 seconds each side. It changes from purple to green and goes crispy when cooked.  I put it on top of some vegan pesto pasta as I’m currently doing Veganuary.

I decided this would be the safest option. I didn’t want to risk mixing it all up in encase it ruined the dish, my thinking being, keep the meal super simple.

I pulled a piece from the top and to my surprise, it really did taste like bacon. Very salty crunchy bacon, but bacon none the less.

I needed verification though, after all, I’ve not eaten proper bacon for a couple of years now so I started to think that I may have just forgotten what real bacon actually tastes like.

cooking seaweed

First, up to try the seaweed was our 9-year-old daughter, Peta, who like most 9-year-olds is blatantly honest and one for pulling serious faces if she doesn’t like something. She confirmed it really did taste like bacon and just like her Dad she really does like her bacon. She even requested seconds.

Next up Tony came to the rescue to try. Another bacon lover. Tony tried it and said, “oh my god it actually does” quickly followed by “oh, god, it’s got a weird aftertaste” he was then not so impressed.

Clark the 3- year-old refused to participate in the taste test. Kids eh?

Next, I tried it raw, which is meant to taste like beef jerky. I’ve never eaten beef jerky in my life so I can neither confirm or deny this. To me, again it tastes super salty with more of an aftertaste.  I didn’t really like it raw. Purely because it was really tough to chew. It was like trying to rip a strong plastic bag with your teeth, really frigging difficult. Maybe smaller pieces are the answer? Who knows. I can’t say I’d try it raw again.

I see bacon seaweed vegan pasta meal

I love salty food and as I actually had some left over from what I cooked I kept some for the next day for a snack. I actually really enjoyed it like this.

It was like a very salty crisp with an aftertaste that is quite hard to describe. Not a bad aftertaste, in fact, I quite liked it, but then again I do like green foods. I guess the only way I could describe it, would be to say it has a green superfood sorta aftertaste to it. I kinda like that.

Perhaps it’s the placebo effect, but eating anything green makes me feel healthy which makes me feel kinda proud of myself and therefore I kinda like it. It’s just how my crazy brain works.

Overall Thought: It’s marmite. I reckon you’ll either love or hate it. To love it you need to like salty foods.
Score: 8/10
Would I Recommend: Yes
Bonus Points:  100% wild and organic. Full of nutrients and seaweed is considered as one of the most sustainable foods on the planet.

This post is part of my Wellness Wednesday weekly feature, for more Wellness Wednesday posts click here. Every Wednesday there is a new wellness post at 7pm.

Disclaimer: I was sent a pack of ‘I Sea Bacon’ complimentary. I was not asked to write a review but I wanted too for anyone that is intrigued like I was. As always all opinions are my own.

4 thoughts on “Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon? I Sea Bacon Review

  1. I have never tried bacon let alone try seaweed hehe I kinda like salty foods so you never know ! The whole taste test was funny to read how Tony and Peta reacted !

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